Management of international marketing productions
Automated and controlled rollout of the production of international campaigns
MPP.360 allows you to centrally control the automated production of all content for international marketing campaigns. Creative key ideas and messages are implemented with adaptable templates in different languages or with adaptations to local markets.
Producing international campaigns
Implementing marketing campaigns worldwide
Rolling out centrally developed marketing campaigns internationally is often complicated and tedious. With MPP.360, you control the entire production and provision of all sales and marketing materials for your global campaigns on a central platform. You enable market-specific adaptations of visuals and content and avoid unwanted changes by local teams. MPP.360 enables the clean control and simple implementation of global marketing campaigns.
Support for local marketing teams
Self-service for
international Teams
In globally active companies, individual marketing all-rounders or small teams are often responsible for all marketing in individual countries or regions. MPP.360 provides them with a central platform to adapt and implement campaigns with all content locally, using specific templates.
Orchestrating international marketing campaigns
Control campaign content internationally
Standardized processes and clear guidelines for international adaptations of advertising material and content with the help of the MPP.360 marketing production platform make international campaigns simple and controllable in the interaction between headquarters and international marketing teams.
Automatic translation
Translation of all centrally developed campaign content for all markets into different language variants at the touch of a button.
Central brand specifications
Central master templates for all campaign elements ensure that brand guidelines are applied uniformly in all markets.
Market-specific content
Products and messages are often different in international markets. Control where elements should be adapted.
Less coordination effort
Relieving the burden on local marketing teams
MPP.360 allows international marketing teams and local agencies to easily order, customize and create campaigns on a central production platform. With dynamic master templates, you can centrally determine which elements, such as images, texts or CTAs, can be customized, managed and controlled, according to clear processes and with all parties involved. This relieves the burden on local teams and allows you to implement centrally provided campaigns quickly and easily in all markets.
Enable local customization
Implementing campaigns internationally
Adapting digital or printed campaigns to different languages and markets is often time-consuming and often takes place without proper controls. This results in inconsistent messages and unwanted interpretations of creative ideas and brand guidelines. MPP.360 enables simple international collaboration in marketing production. With clearly defined processes and standards that enable efficient central control and automation.
Marketing Production Platform
Control your marketing production
Control and automate your marketing production with the cloud-based SaaS solution MPP.360.